Dark Eldar Reaver Jetbikes

After my complaining about the 40k rulebook I bring you these jetbikes. They only took me around a year to get painted all the way. I love the models and they were easy to paint!

6th book, templates, and other things!

Collectors and I like to call the Hipster bag EditionsThe Normal 75 buck rulebookFancy Templates, Tape Measure, and Dice for EVERYTHINGMore pics of dice and it looks like dice holdersPsyhic Power CardsMagic ListsSo there we have it, 6th stuff. The book looks nice but...

6th edition Rulebook cover and thoughts.

40k Rulebook coverSo here it is the cover for the new 6th rules of 40k. As with many people I am hoping this book will fix the issues that 5th edition was starting to show. Not that I think 5th was bad, just once again GW shows they love the codex creep as they did in...

Galadhrim Knights and Heroes

Here are the Galadhrim I have painted lately. Next up after these models is my reaver jetbikes for 40k. This is all the Galadhrim other than some named characters. Will be getting another box of knights soon. Looking forward to playing against my friend and his full...


So here are all my Galadhrim warriors on foot I have right now. One of the old boxes of 24, somehow I am missing one bowman and another got his bow broke and I cannot find the piece. I will be getting another box worth to bring me up to 600pts. I really like these...