The Ugly Truth About 40K

The other evening I had an interesting chat with Patrick over at the 11th Company. It's always nice to talk to someone outside of your local metagame; people just look at things differently. We talked about a lot of things, but mostly commiserated on the sad state of...

How Fast can Fast be?

Hi there! I'm waxing philosophical today, looking at some Theoryhammer and attempting to extrapolate out where the game is going with future codex releases as we head into 6th edition 40k. If this is not your cup of tea, you can probably skip it, since there won't be...

Craftworld Eldar rumors

I find myself in possession of a small amount of time; insufficient to make meaningful progress on my Deathwing army, yet sufficient to address the recent "Craftworld Eldar" rumors posted on BoLS here...If you don't wish to make the jump, the rumors are as follows for...