The Obligatory 6th Ed Blog Post! Now with Trolls!

First; had a great time at the IC's Farewell to Fifth shindig this weekend. Much talk was smacked, the new book was perused and great minds are already at work on the best way to break the Allies chart.Second; I picked up my own copy of the 6th edition book and now...

Sixth Edition and I

What with all the net gobbling over the new Warhammer 40K edition being released this coming week, why haven't I been riding the 6E rumor bandwagon? Well, I HAVE!It's just that it's pointless, you see. When it comes right down to it, there is no point in all the...

Quick Update from the Western Front (Dundracon)

Got my first game in today running Corsairs. I made lethally bad choices during deployment against Space Wolves which ultimately cost me the game but I did get enough time at the table to learn the following:Warp Hunters ROCK! Even the thunderwolf cavalry were...

Corsair HQs: Void Dreamer or Corsair Prince?

Getting ready for my big once-per-year gaming weekend and I'm mulling over my choices. I don't know what games of 40K I'll be playing, what point size or against whom. The only certainty is that there will be 3+ armor saves involved somewhere. CSM, GK, IG, Vanilla and...