Dundracon Ho!

Dundracon is coming up at the end of the week! This year I'll be doing something a little different.Normally I join the 40k tournament - usually organized by the folks who run Da Grand Waaaaagh, but this year being run by Geoff from the Independent Characters podcast...

The Corsair Army List: Pirate Ho!

After spending the last two weeks packing and moving, I was delighted to come back online and see that there were new Army Builder files for Imperial Armour 11! As soon as I got a chance, I sat down to see if I could cheese my way through a few lists. So, without...

Imperial Armour 11, Part 5: Special Characters for the Eldar

Imperial Armour 11 introduces new Special Characters for the Eldar, namely Bel-Annath, the Farseer of Mymeara and Irillyth, the Shadow Spectre Phoenix Lord. Bel-AnnathDescribed as the most warlike farseer of his craftworld, Bel-Annath is no slouch for a psyker. He has...

Imperial Armour 11, Part 4: The Corsair Army List

Ah yes, Corsairs! They've existed in the fluff for ages, and it seems reasonable that the Eldar pirates would be the most frequently encountered xenos in the Imperium, but ironically enough no one has seen rules for them since the Rogue Trader days (barring perhaps...

Imperial Armour 11, Part 3: Other New Units

In the last article I talked about Shadow Spectres, Warp Hunters and Hornets. This time around I'll be covering the Wasp Assault Walker and Wraithseers before moving on to the revised material from the Doom of Mymeara. Wasp Assault WalkerTwo important changes were...