by FourEyedMonster | Dec 30, 2020
So as this awful year draws to a close, it's unsurprising that a resolution made as recently as three weeks ago has been unceremoniously broken. I had wanted to get psyched up for future World War 2 Armored Fighting Vehicle (WW2 AFV) scale model kit projects by...
by FourEyedMonster | Dec 12, 2020
If there was ever a case against painting scale model kits, then a simple photo comparison between the end results of this post and the start point of my previous Speeder Bike work-in-progress post makes for a deceptively strong argument for leaving it in its...
by FourEyedMonster | Dec 5, 2020
Hello, my name is FourEyedMonster and I am a 'modelholic'. There, I said it. No, no ... not the kind that is addicted to ogling at Victoria Secret runway models. More the type that has collected (which sounds better than unnecessarily splurged money on) way too many...
by FourEyedMonster | Nov 24, 2020
Unless you're a scale modeler or miniature painter yourself, it's hard to wrap your head around how time consuming preparatory work is, leading to (and including) the priming stage. Yet it was only after many trials and tribulations that I truly understood the...
by FourEyedMonster | Nov 12, 2020
Color accuracy is one of many factors contributing to a realistic rendering of a scale model kit that is intended to closely mimic its "real-life" equivalent as seen on the big screen. For the iconic Speeder Bike that made its box office debut in Star Wars: Return of...