by FourEyedMonster | Jun 6, 2019
Because painting miniature figurines is where I got my start in this hobby, it always seems to feel like I'm in my element whenever I work with sculpted human forms. And I'm glad my journey had begun with miniature figurines as I feel they are probably the most...
by FourEyedMonster | May 29, 2019
This journey has been a long time coming. More than a year ago has swiftly passed me by since I first toyed with the idea of starting a Gundam project. Precious non-utilized hobby time gone in a blink of an eye. Linear time sucks. Oh what I wouldn't give for the power...
by FourEyedMonster | May 23, 2019
Ever been at a point when you're just sick of the sight of the model you're working on? Well, I get the feeling it's happening to me with the King Tiger. That's to be expected when a work-in-progress drags on too long as the German Heavy Tank project has for me. The...
by FourEyedMonster | May 14, 2019
At this early stage of the Race Queen attire I sought only to apply the mid-tones of the clothing's color scheme, which in my way of doing things is synonymous with the basecoat layer. As to the colors themselves, I went for a previously used combination namely the...
by FourEyedMonster | May 10, 2019
In this latest stage of my work on the Volkswagen Beetle form of Transformers Bumblebee, no assembly of parts was carried out at all. Instead, I began looking for a close approximation of the iconic Bumblebee Yellow using the paints I had in my possession. The closest...