by FourEyedMonster | Nov 16, 2017
Dubbed the chicken walker, the Imperial AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) Walker is my third favourite Star Wars vehicle after the AT-AT (All Terrain Armoured Transport) Walker and TIE Fighter. So I guess my list is top-heavy with either Galactic Empire Imperial...
by FourEyedMonster | Nov 12, 2017
Painting black isn't easy. Prior to painting the T-55A tank commander's uniform, I haven't had any significant practice painting black apart from an Ork Warboss's loincloth. That was painted a long time ago i.e. three years ago to be exact. Since then, no opportunity...
by FourEyedMonster | Nov 7, 2017
Music is irrevocably intertwined into my art projects as they play in the background during my lengthy painting sessions. It seems only yesterday that I wrote my 300th post and now I'm already hitting the 400 mark. So bear with me as I do yet another vanity post to...
by FourEyedMonster | Nov 1, 2017
It's funny how the slightest issue with a paint job can put a screeching halt to progress in a miniature project. On my last skin tone update for Katana I had briefly mentioned about the chalkiness of her skin tone. Little did I know then it would bug me enough that I...
by FourEyedMonster | Oct 30, 2017
A sense of awe and wonderment is etched into my childhood memories of time spent poring over images of the Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) crew at work. These behind-the-scenes model makers were, dare I say it, chief contributors to the success of the Star Wars...