Nurgle Rhino [WIP – Acrylic glazes and a searchlight]

Despite the weathered rust effects, the Nurgle Rhino still looked relatively flat overall. So to break up the monotone grey green hue of the chaos transport vehicle, I lightly layered on some blue green acrylic glazes on selected areas of the hull. I had Moiterei to...

Nurgle Rhino [WIP – Rust Streaks, Stains & Pools]

This Nurgle Rhino project is starting to drag on a bit (... ya think?). So to move things along at a faster pace, I intend to double the amount of posts per week which in turn should result in more weathering completed in the same space of time. That's the idea anyway...

Nurgle Rhino [WIP – Organic Bits & Panel Lining]

Meet someone new, they said. The boy next door looks like a nice person, they suggested. Sure, he has weird tastes in T-shirts but who hasn't gone through the Nurgle idolizing phase, they protested somewhat defensively. Moral of the story ... trust your instincts....

Nurgle Rhino [WIP – Weathering Metals, Part 2]

As how sometimes things pan out in this hobby, the way the Nurgle Rhino Dozer/Destroyer blades were eventually painted is far removed from how I initially envisioned them to be. At first, I had primed the blades with a smooth almost glossy black primer in the...