Star Wars BB-8 [WIP – Head]

What became clear from the very beginning when working on the Bandai BB-8 plastic model kit was that I wasn't going to use any of the decals provided. Instead I decided to paint the sections for which decals were provided, most notably the coloured sections of the...

Hasbro Princess Leia [Repaint Completed]

Eyes are the scariest part of the miniature painting process. Hours of hard work can be rendered immaterial if one botched up the painting of the eyes. That I have stopped using any form of magnification for my miniature painting sessions didn't help. But despite that...

Hasbro Princess Leia [WIP – General Skin Tone]

With the Lunar New Year celebrations ongoing, it's that time of the year where I get to spent precious "us-time" with my family. An eagerly awaited holiday period when each family member's free time falls in sync with one another. Of course, it goes without saying...