Skeleton Warriors

The first ten skeletons are done, I went with the classical colour scheme for my undead force. The shields are some old Tomb Kings shields which I liked  but now when they are discontinued I have to mix with the regular undead shields.The banner is not finished,...

Spirit Hosts

I bought the get started boxes for the Grand Alliance Death boxes for Age of Sigmar and I might have bought too many miniatures at once. I didn't touch the boxes for the first two weeks but I finally cracked one opened and I have painted the spirit Hosts.Painting...

Terrain – Ruined house

I have forgotten to post the finished ruined house.  I did skip the detailing on the inside of the house to get it done. I used wall filler to make the dirt on the floor and then I mixed old flock with PVA glue to add some more texture to it.When it comes to...

Cold One Knight Completed

I finally got the Cold One Knight test miniature done, I'm satisfied with him, but I might change the purple/pink colour on the cloth on future miniatures. My idea was to have only cold colours on the knight, but I ended up with this purple instead.

Dark Elf Cold One

I got the idea to get in to Age of Sigmar a while ago and I started to paint my Dark Elves Corsairs, I have a lot of old fantasy armies or half sized armies laying around. So I went through my stash of plastics and I found five cold one knights I got from eBay a long...