Eldar Guardian Defender Squad

Eldar Guardian Defender Squad

Just finished my first Guardian Defender Squad and I learned allot about painting orange while doing it. The way I paint my Eldar is that when I wash these mini I need to be allot more careful so the wash don't pool up anywhere, I had to re-apply base and layer...
Bolt Action – Soviet soldier

Bolt Action – Soviet soldier

I got my self a box of 40 Soviet soldiers and the army book for the Soviets and I have painted a test models after looking for some colour choices of the Soviet uniforms.These are my three steps when painting this model;1. Base coloursUniform - Grey KhakiWood -...
Painting Tau Skin

Painting Tau Skin

GW paints the Tau skin in a grey-blue colour, but I want more colourful blue skin on my Tau, so I have made a short and simple way to paint Tau skin my way. I tried to get a photo for each step of the skin painting, but I didn't  get a good enough quality photos...
Eldar Dark Reaper Squad

Eldar Dark Reaper Squad

Long time and no posts and I haven't done much gaming or painting really. I have some half finished test miniatures such as a High Elves  Ellyrian Reaver, a Waveserpent and a Eldar Wraith Lord.But as a coming game with  a friend is closing in on the set date...
Blast  from the past

Blast from the past

I was searching for some rogue trader era artwork or painted models of Eldar and some pictures of the rule book popped up and more.The nostalgic feeling I got from these few pictures took me back to days when every miniature looked almost as a hunchback and they were...