Kabal of the Void Kraken symbol

Kabal of the Void Kraken symbol

I have set the bar high for my self when decided that I shall have a kabal symbol painted on the sails on my Raiders/Ravagers. So I did come up with a symbol that I think looks and feels like a Dark Eldar kabal symbol, so here's the the my first draft and I might...
Dark Eldar paint colour test

Dark Eldar paint colour test

I got bored painting Tau, for the moment at least and I looked through the boxes of miniatures I got and I found my Dark Eldar, I have painted some of them before in the Wraithkind colour scheme, but now when my Tau are painted turquoise I wanted to re-paint them.So I...


Here is something I'm working on for the moment, a Tau XV88 Battle suit. The concept is a night fighting cadre so that's  the reason for the colour scheme (or rather the reason I came up with besides that I like turquoise).Its a wip,  I have some more...

Brotherhood of the Storm

Well I couldn't resist the temptation, so I have pre-orderd the The Brotherhoood of the Storm book earlier this week. I have been thinking of doing a small pre-heresy force and if I like what's in the book I probably will make a pre-heresy force a White Scars...
Dire Avanger alternative color scheme

Dire Avanger alternative color scheme

Here's a Dire Avenger its orange, not blue as GW paint them, I dont like them painted blue. Well the main reason I painted it orange is beacuse I will paint my Corsairs orange and I wanted to see how it would look so this model had to take the blow.My corsair...