First Razorback finished

Well my first Razorback for my Minotaurs force is finnished and have been for some days I havn't had time to post it until now. The Badab War campaign starts on friday so I have to finish the whole army pretty soon.Here is some pictures of the Razorback:I have a...

Minotaurs Razorback WIP

Got a Razorback on the painting table wit some extra armor and chapter doors from Forgeworld. I have changed the bronze colour I use, so its a bit lighter and I think it is much better then using dwarf bronze.When I used Dwarf Bronze the armor was so dark that you...

Badab Wars army list

It' time to get the list done for the Badab campaign at my local hobbyshop at the end of february, so    a 1000 points army list had to be made. The first list attempts I had the chapter master for the Minotaurs in it, but at 1000 point he's a it too...

Minotaurs Assault Marine Squad

I have finnished a squad of Assault Marines, they are gonna be a part of the Badab War campaign at the end of Feruary. I havn't decied yet on the exact list I will bring but it will be based on what miniatures I have now and it will probably not be the best...

Minotaurs Commander painted

Well here it is alot later then I thought I would post the pics of the Minotaurs Space Marine Commander.Most of the commanders body are from the BA Sanguinary Guard, the tabard came from a Tomb Kings miniature same as the axe head. The storm bolter came from...