Terrain – Ruined house WIP

Long time since I posted anything on this blog, I have been using Instagram to share my hobby instead of this blog. But I have been painting  and building terrain these past months and  sitting down and write up a post and add pictures  hasn't been top...

Mordheim terrain

I have been cleaning out my hobby pile of random stuff and I found a unfinished project that has been collecting dust for two years, plus that I found the sketch for my first idea. Apparently I wanted to do a windmill, but somewhere along the line I decided to make...

Dark Elf Corsair

 I painted up the first of a unit with Corsairs and I used the same colour scheme that I used on my old Corsair miniature, you see what colours I used here.I based them on round bases due to Age of Sigmar, I don't see my self playing Warhammer fantasy at all, due...

Dark Elf Corsair

This old miniature are one of my absolute favourites of all time, I don't really know why but this miniature made me drop my Empire army to pick up Dark elves instead. Unfortunately I got my armies for 40k and Warhammer fantasy stolen and so did many at the club, but...