Bolt Action – Soviet MMG and Medium Mortar teams

Here is two weapon teams for my Soviet Union force, I glued all the miniatures on the base before painting, that wasn't so smart. I had problems reaching some areas on the miniatures, specially on the MMG teama gunner. So some parts that's facing towards the support...

Infinity – Painting PanOciania 2

So I got all three Fusiliers from the Operation Icestorm painted, the first one I painted (here) is in background of the picture below and the two newly painted in the foreground. These two latest Fusiliers I painted I took my time with them so they has smoother...

Review: Wargames Factory – Samurai

I have been looking around for other skirmish games and I have found one that looks interesting, Daishō from The ministry of Gentlemanly Warfare. They do not supply the game with miniatures, only the rules, but there is no shortage of 28mm samurai warriors on market.I...

Infinity – Painting Nomads

Nomads are up on the painting table, as I stated in the post regarding PanOceania this is my favourite faction, so I did spend some more time painting this miniature. When I did the PanOceania miniature I wasn't doing the best I could and looking at it now I feel that...

Infinity – Painting PanOceania

So I finally got started on my Infinity models, the reason why I picked the PanOceania miniatures to do first is because I wanted to practice on them before I started with the Nomads, which is my favourite of these two factions.My plan for painting my Infinity...