T9A Impending Doom Results and Coverage

In addition to the Ninth Age Fantasy Battles tournament we hosted our first War Head Brush Basics course today, directing newcomers to the fun of miniature painting hobby! Here are some of the results from today's battles along with the final standings including the...

40K Talvisota Warm-up Results and Coverage

Next weekend our road crew will be participating in Talvisota 2020 gaming event, organized by Nopat & Taktiikka Ry (and associates)! The traditional tournament weekend will include a number of game systems and War Head will be present selling hobby goods and...

30K Horus Heresy Death Incarnate Results and Coverage

Time for the big guns! Our Horus Heresy community has requested larger rosters for a while, and Praetors' demands were met today with a 3000-points tournament with Super Heavy vehicles and Lords of War allowed. Almost everyone had taken the opportunity to field some...

Studio Saturday!

This Saturday we had a nice studio session, gathering in numbers to work on some army projects and single figures. Scott is preparing a certain Blood Angels character model for upcoming painting competitions, Ollie laid down basecoats on his progressing Night Lords...

AoS Sanctioned Mayhem Results and Coverage

War has returned to the Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar! Bring on the casual battles!First Round Pairings and Results0 Eetu Torikka vs Jesper Kuusela 2020 Anton Patrikainen vs Stefan Sjöström 020 Nicolas Barban vs Janne Tiihonen 020 Kimmo Kokkarinen vs Darryn Lee...