by Fritz | Dec 5, 2014
One of the hidden secrets they don’t tell you about miniature wargaming is that SOMEHOW you need to transport all your miniatures to the gaming club or a friend’s house, or back to the storage closet ready for the next battle. All that time spent painting and...
by Fritz | Dec 3, 2014
As a miniature wargamer how serious do you take your terrain? Of course terrain is important for setting the visuals of the game, and is part of the bigger picture in suspending belief for a moment that the game is more than just a game- that it is a recreation...
by Fritz | Dec 1, 2014
One of the exciting things about Talisman is the variety of characters one can play in the game- all with their own unique powers, strategies, and way of “winning” to the Crown of Command. We all have our “favorite” character- one that captures our imagination, fits...
by Fritz | Dec 1, 2014
One of the great things about Talisman is that you don’t have to always play things “by-the-book”- it is easy to home-brew our house rule certain elements of the game without altering its balance or changing its rule structure. A common house rule I like to play with-...
by Fritz | Dec 1, 2014
Continuing our discussion of Talisman tactics, in this post we are going to look at the city space form the base game- leaving the city expansion alone for the moment.Generally speaking when given a choice it is always better to draw an adventure card since your...