Talisman Board Game Tactics: The City

Talisman Board Game Tactics: The City

Continuing our discussion of Talisman tactics, in this post we are going to look at the city space form the base game- leaving the city expansion alone for the moment.Generally speaking when given a choice it is always better to draw an adventure card since your...
Talisman Board Game: Starting Tactics

Talisman Board Game: Starting Tactics

The start of a new adventure, the race to for the Crown of Command…So you and your gaming friends have drawn your characters and are ready for the adventure that awaits! Rolling that D6 what is your first move?What are your starting tactics in Talisman?In a previous...
Battletech Grey Death Legion Mechs Painted Up

Battletech Grey Death Legion Mechs Painted Up

So now that I've completed a few lances for my Dogs of War Mercenary company I’m moving on to a few lances of Grey Death Legion mechs- with the first batch being done and ready for the table. The secret sauce?Prime ‘em black and then a coating of grey paint followed...
Battletech Tactics: The Alpha Strike

Battletech Tactics: The Alpha Strike

Generally speaking in miniature wargaming terms the “alpha-strike” is a tactic where you build your army to unleash such a powerful attack in a single turn that the opponent is either completely destroyed or crippled in such a way that they can’t effetely continue...
Battletech Assault Mech Tactics

Battletech Assault Mech Tactics

Now that we have taken a look at some tactical ideas on how to use a light mech, let’s turn to the extreme opposite of the tonnage scale and look at assault mechs. Heavy firepower (often at a variety of ranges), double digit points of armor, and numerous heat sinks,...