by Fritz | Dec 1, 2014
OK guys, let’s get motivated and start cranking out some narrative wargame terrain for our Battletech games- after all those painted miniature mechs need something to hide behind and jump over.For this tutorial we are going to be looking at terrain that I define as...
by Fritz | Dec 1, 2014
On the tabletop is there anything more destructive (and satisfying) then the autocannon/20 weapon? Able to shear limbs off light mechs with a single hit, while putting the hurt on both heavy and assault mechs at the same time the AC 20 is like a PPC on...
by Fritz | Oct 28, 2014
If you have been following my blog and 40K exploits you might remember there was a time that I posted under “Way of Saim-Hann” as I experimented with my jetbike and vyper heavy Eldar army at the time. Sharing my results and observations on the blog where a huge part...
by Fritz | Oct 24, 2014
Are you ready for more 40K glory?Check out THE WARMASTER 40K Forum for more tactics, army list discussion, and hobby ideas. Forum members also have full access to a variety of tactica tutorials and online training courses through the forum for...
by Fritz | Aug 21, 2014
ABOUT ME: “Fritz 40K”: Wargamer, role-player, devotee to the dark gods; I have been an avid Warhammer 40,000 player for a number of years also enjoying gaming with Eldar, Necrons, and Space Marines.For me the passion about 40K is the perfect blend of tabletop tactics,...