Dark Eldar (or is that Ynnari?) for the Doubles – Part 3

Well it's been three weeks since I last posted anything!! I've been pretty busy getting my Dark Eldar ready for the doubles but I'm still worried I won't get them finished with just under two weeks to go. Hopefully I can get a lot done on the bank holiday weekend but...

Dark Eldar (or is that Ynnari) for the Doubles – Part 2

You'd be forgiven for thinking that I've not actually made any progress on these guys. Well, it doesn't really feel like I'm much further along. It's frustrating me how long these are taking which is counter-productive because I'm then struggling to motivate myself to...

Dark Eldar (or is that Ynnari) for the Doubles

My posting is pretty sporadic recently but I've been working towards getting my Dark Eldar ready for the 40K Doubles at Warhammer World in April. That's about six weeks away and I have an insane amount to paint between now and then. Matt and I have decided to take a...

Do Formations Have A Place in 40K?

So, Nick over at The Burning Eye blog recently posted his thoughts on formation in 40K. I haven't really read many other peoples' thoughts on them but Nick is very much in favour of them. This post is intended as a counterpoint to his post. I'm almost completely...

Gaming Garage(TM) Conversion – Part 5 – Done!

Well folks, I'm now completely moved in and everything is (pretty much) in its place. To start off here's my hobby/blogging space. I picked up a daylight LED lamp from Hobbycraft and having it right over head should mean decent lighting for all my future painting...