Tournament Report – Fluffaggedon 40K

This is the first year in the last 6 that I've only hosted a single tournament. I decided to pass the baton onto Matt to run events in a similar style to Blog Wars but with his own personal touch. Hopefully going forward I'll run Double Trouble in Spring/Summer and...

Gaming Garage(TM) Conversion – Part 1

Rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated! Well, let's face it. No one thought I was dead but it has been over 8 weeks since I last posted anything which is by far my longest dry spell. I'd love to tell you I've been working hard on my army and scenery...

First Attempt at a Scum List for X-wing

I've been tempted to pick up some Scum stuff for X-wing since it first came out. Back then I was still trying to collect all the Rebel stuff though but I knew I'd cave eventually. Sure enough, after the singles event I decided I needed Autothrusters in my life and...

X-Wing Doubles Tournament Report – Sanctuary Gaming

IX-wing tournament which was also at the Sanctuary. Once again Darren and Andy were in attendance and with Dave Ellis (who used to work at the Outpost) running the event it felt like a pretty friendly atmosphere from the off. As ever I took along Matt as my partner....