X-Wing Weekender Tomorrow

I'm heading down to the X-wing Weekender at the Sanctuary in Sutton-in-Ashfield. Well, that isn't strictly true. Obviously, as the name suggests it's a weekender so they're probably wrapping up the Friday night portion of the event as I write this. It was my sister's...

Obligatory Burning Wreckage Tokens

Rest assured I'm still alive even though it's been a fortnight since my last post. I've actually managed to get a couple of games in recently as some warm up for Fluffageddon. Unfortunately, for various reasons I'm not going to be able to make Hero for a Day in a...

Coming Out of the (Gaming) Closet

It's an issue that pervades this hobby of ours. Do you tell your family and friends that you buy, build, paint and play with what are basically toy soldiers? Why do we let it bother us?When my wife was still my girlfriend, I was pretty open about all of my many...

Fluffageddon Tickets Now Available!

Those who attended Blog Wars X and Double Trouble will know that I'm only running one event this year. There's a chance I'll go back to two next year but to fill the void, Matt is going to be running his first event, Fluffageddon which should hopefully have a similar...