Hero For A Day – Charity Wargaming Event

Putting Double Trouble feedback to one side for a moment, I wanted to talk about the next tournament I'll be attending (barring the Outpost coming up with anything in between). Last week I picked up my ticket for Hero For A Day for the bargain price of £10. That's £10...

Double Trouble Feedback Discussion – THE VENUE!

Finally, the big question. Do we stick with the NWGC or move to another venue. Here's the argument as I see it.I'm not going to pretend I wasn't annoyed about the double booking. You all know I was. Equally lunch was a total fuckup for various reasons that had very...

Double Trouble Feedback Discussion (everything but venue)

You should know by now that I try to be different from other TOs and genuinely try to listen to feedback and incorporate some of your ideas in my future events. At the moment I'm planning on running the next Double Trouble in June next year (or around then, date TBC)....

Double Trouble – My Battle Reports

Right folks, I'm determined to keep my battle reports brief for a change. I love the WD style reports that Michael over at St Andrews Wargaming puts out but I don't have the time for diagrams so mine always end up too wordy whilst I try to describe what happened where...

Double Trouble Painting Competition – Single Miniatures

Finally in this rundown of the painting portion of the event, we come to the two single miniature categories. There were prizes for Best Character and Best Vehicle/Monster. Let's look at the Characters first.Best Painted CharacterThere were just four entries in this...