Your Armies for Double Trouble (Part 5)

Here's another update on some of the armies in progress in the run up to Double Trouble. Keep the emails coming with photos and a bit of a blurb (if you want). Today we have another couple of entries, both updates on armies we've already seen on this showcase.First...

Tweaking the Rules for Double Trouble

Following on from the playtesting we did at Warhammer World, I wanted to tweak a few things before the event. Let me start by saying there's nothing here that should drastically affect your army selection but will hopefully make the event run more smoothly and...

Double Trouble Playtesting at Warhammer World

For better or worse Matt and I rarely get chance to play these days. That's made getting some playtesting in for Double Trouble extremely difficult. We decided to take advantage of the May day bank holiday to get some gaming in and dedicated the full day to Double...

Your Armies for Double Trouble (Part 4)

Really pleased to see that everyone is getting on board with this little series. Today I'm presenting two more armies in progress that will hopefully be seen in their finished glory at Double Trouble. First up it's Jonathan Lyness' Khorne Daemonkin army. Here's what...

Your Armies for Double Trouble (Part 3)

Well, sadly I've still made no further progress on my army. Matt and I did head down to WHW yesterday for some playtesting of the Double Trouble stuff though. More on that in another post later in the week but for now I want to show you some more stuff that's been...