Your Armies for Double Trouble (Part 2)

Here's another instalment of armies you can expect to see at Double Trouble. First up there's Luke Fogg of Darksun Life who's currently torn between his Howling Griffons or his Star Wars themed Imperial Guard. He's been blogging about it here so perhaps you guys...

Your Armies for Double Trouble (Part 1)

Last week I posted asking for people to submit some pictures of the army they're working on for Double Trouble. I got literally no responses so I decided to email everyone who's bought a ticket and now I've actually had some stuff so here goes.First up here's Daniel...

Better Know A Blogger featuring… Me!

Despite barely blogging of late, Michael over at St Andrews Wargaming asked me if I'd mind being interviewed for his Better Know A Blogger series. Of course I was more than happy to oblige, especially since Michael has supported Blog Wars and is coming along to...

Your Armies for Double Trouble & Three Colour Minimum

Well folks, I'm ashamed to say that I have literally made zero progress since the last time I posted about my Dark Eldar. I'm finding it incredibly hard to motivate myself to paint them up right now. Line highlighting is just not enjoyable for me. Maybe I need a...

Dark Eldar for Double Trouble WIP – Part 2

Well firstly, apologies for the sporadic posting of late. It's a combination of factors as ever. I'm trying to put my free time into painting instead of blogging. The other big thing is that I'm really struggling to get excited about new releases of late. The weekly...