House Tangryx Imperial Knight Painting WIP – Part Five

Well there's been plenty of progress in just under a week since the last post so this'll be a long one. I've had to make some decisions about what's a priority though as I'm rapidly running out of time. I'll talk more about that at the end of the post but for now...

House Tangryx Imperial Knight Painting WIP – Part Four

More progress from Sunday night's post to report. It just about killed me but I've done all of the Leadbelcher on all of the armour panels and around the feet etc. It was pretty soul destroying painting around all of those little fleur de lys type bits on...

House Tangryx Imperial Knight Painting WIP – Part Three

In the last post I'd done a massive chunk of the airbrushing of the armour panels. With the Troll Slayer Orange laid down I now needed to block out the Abaddon Black halves of the split panels. Incidentally I'm trying to follow the codex system of painting for a...

House Tangryx Imperial Knight Painting WIP – Part Two

Following on from my last post, here's another update on my progress towards getting a pair of Imperial Knights ready for an event on March 12th. As I mentioned before, these knights are for my custom knightly order, House Tangryx. I'll have to flesh out their...