Ian Plumpton’s Stormsurge won at Blog Wars X

Just a quick post tonight folks to give you the promised pictures of Ian Plumpton's Stormsurge which he won as the top prize in the raffle at BWX, the final Blog Wars event.It's frustrating not be able to show you the Stormsurge that I "won" at the event. I use the...

House Tangryx Imperial Knight Painting WIP – Part One

I find it difficult to post about my hobby progress which is why you won't find much hobby content on FtF. The problem is, the time I spend blogging about it is time I could be actually making progress. My free time is pretty limited so if I'm going to get projects...

Improved Magnetisation of the Imperial Knight Kit

Well, my last post apologised for my lack of blogging and a two week gap between posts certainly isn't bucking the trend! The main reason for this is that I'm determined to get my Imperial Knights finished in time for a tournament in a month. That means my free time...

Ghostkeel Winner & Apologies for the Absence!

First off, apologies, it's been over two weeks since I last posted. This has been for a combination of reasons. The most significant being that me and my wife got hooked on Making A Murderer so we've been binge watching that of the last week or so. I've also been...

Double Trouble – Random Pairings Reasoning

I've noticed in the comments on the Double Trouble posts that there are some people who are put off by the random pairings system that will be in use at the event. I wanted to talk about it in a bit more depth today to hopefully convince people to come along and give...