Double Trouble 3 – The Aftermath

Yesterday I hosted my third Double Trouble event (DT3: Double Harder). This was my 14th time hosting a tournament but only my second in 8th edition. Since all of the pairings are random in each round I'd decided to keep the mission the same in all three games and army...

The Double Trouble 3 Pie Charts Post!

Unbelievably we're already heading into June and yet this is just my sixth post of the year. "What could bring me out of hiding to post again?" I hear you ask. Well pie charts of course! For those of you not familiar with this little bit of silliness, the pie chart...

The Problem with Painting Genestealers – Advice Needed!

Well somehow it's been over a month since I posted. I've been trying to change my order of priority when it comes to my free time. It used to be that hobby work came after blogging but I've tried to paint when I've got spare time instead of blog. Less content for you...