My Tyranids for Double Trouble 3 and Painted Ripper Swarms

In the spirit of Double Trouble 3, I decided I should make a push to get my Tyranids ready for the event. Before I get into my meagre progress, head over to the DT3 page for more details of the event and to buy your ticket. If you're on Facebook you should also...

Double Trouble 3 Tickets are Now Available!

Somehow another month has passed since I last posted but I need to post today to tell you all that tickets are now available for Double Trouble 3! They're still £17.50 and give you three games of 40K with 9 different people! More details and info on how to buy tickets...

Where Have I Been for a Month?

Somehow it's February 6th (probably 7th by the time you read this) and this is my first post of the year. My last post was on December 27th last year which and I'm fairly confident this is my longest stretch without posting in the little blog's history.I was tasked...

Hobby Resolutions for 2018

Arthur (my son) did almost as much hobby as I did!This is essentially pointless at this stage but it at least gives me a vague idea of what I'd like to do in the first couple of months of the year before something new and shiny distracts me or I remember that I lack...

From The Fang Review of 2017

Well it's been nearly a month since I last posted and I've barely done anything hobby wise in that time. That's partly because the hobby I want to do is painting my Tyranids which means getting their basecoats done with the airbrush. Trouble is my airbrush set up...