by FunDave | Jun 20, 2014
Quick. What's cooler than a robot throwing saw blades at people? Trick question. There's nothing cooler than a robot throwing saw blades at people.Here's my first finished heavy vector for Convergence. I love the way this model looks. I decided to go with a bit darker...
by FunDave | Jun 20, 2014
Or, rather, the Forgemaster.Got my warcaster for warmachine painted. I'm not gonna mince words here. I hate this model. The stupid Swiss army knife arms just annoy me to no end and the lack of detail bugs me too. I usually like to make my HQ/Leader/Warcaster stand out...
by FunDave | Jun 15, 2014
Well, played my first two official Warmachine games against a good friend of mine. Things did not go well. Lost both games. I learned a lot though and that's the important thing.We kept it simple since both of us were just learning the game. Very little terrain,...