What’s that buzzing noise?

Quick. What's cooler than a robot throwing saw blades at people? Trick question. There's nothing cooler than a robot throwing saw blades at people.Here's my first finished heavy vector for Convergence. I love the way this model looks. I decided to go with a bit darker...

Master of the Forge

Or, rather, the Forgemaster.Got my warcaster for warmachine painted. I'm not gonna mince words here. I hate this model. The stupid Swiss army knife arms just annoy me to no end and the lack of detail bugs me too. I usually like to make my HQ/Leader/Warcaster stand out...

And so it begins..

Well, played my first two official Warmachine games against a good friend of mine. Things did not go well. Lost both games. I learned a lot though and that's the important thing.We kept it simple since both of us were just learning the game. Very little terrain,...

40k and the Future of My Wargaming

In my last post I talk about the recent changes to the Warhammer 40k 7th edition. I didn't, however, talk about it's changes on me. It seems I've kind of hit a saturation point with the game. I'm not really buying more models (sorry Gopher Dave) and I'm not really...

7th editon at a quick glance

Well, the rumors were true and GW did indeed release a new rule set. A scant two years after the last one. So, is it worth it? I'll go through the changes in depth later on, but I want to do a quick and dirty look first.First up, the biggie (IMHO) The psycic...