by FunDave | Nov 24, 2011
Just wanted to take a moment from gaming on this Thanksgiving day and offer my thanks for everything I have. Too often in this world we look over what we have looking only at what we want, lord knows I'm guilty of that. In light of that I would like to say "Thanks" to...
by FunDave | Nov 10, 2011
And let slip the dogs of war! Guess it's time to let the cat, er, wolves out of the bag. I finally got my order in from armorcast for my Thunder Wolves. At $11 each I just had to get 5 of them. They're from Baelor miniatures and cast in resin. I'm pretty happy with...
by FunDave | Oct 21, 2011
It's Friday! Gonna be a big weekend. Two 40k tourney's in 2 days at FlatCon and I'm ready. I finalized my kill team list last night and much to my surprise I had miscalculated the points and actually had room for another guy. Here's the list I'll be using:Lone Wolf -...