Giving Thanks

Just wanted to take a moment from gaming on this Thanksgiving day and offer my thanks for everything I have. Too often in this world we look over what we have looking only at what we want, lord knows I'm guilty of that. In light of that I would like to say "Thanks" to...


And let slip the dogs of war! Guess it's time to let the cat, er, wolves out of the bag. I finally got my order in from armorcast for my Thunder Wolves. At $11 each I just had to get 5 of them. They're from Baelor miniatures and cast in resin. I'm pretty happy with...

League Game One

The first couple weeks of league are going to be quick. 500 points ain't a lot and doesn't take a whole lot of time to play. We've kind of been left to our own descression as to who we play. I had plans later on Monday so I needed to get an early game in. Luckilly...

New League

New league begins tonight and I'm once again bringing Wolves to the table. We are using the Kill Team force org (no heavies, no HQ's) but using the standard battle missions out of the books. With that in mind I'm bringing the max of two troops I can have. I'll be...

Good News or Why I Suck at Math

It's Friday! Gonna be a big weekend. Two 40k tourney's in 2 days at FlatCon and I'm ready. I finalized my kill team list last night and much to my surprise I had miscalculated the points and actually had room for another guy. Here's the list I'll be using:Lone Wolf -...