by FunDave | Mar 20, 2016
Pretty quick turnaround on this tourney. Just 2 weeks after the last one, the Gopher hosted a casual, off-schedule tourney. The format was 35 points, single list, and it had to be a current ADR caster so you got to bring 20 points of specialists. Since Gunnbjorn is...
by FunDave | Feb 28, 2016
Played in my second steamroller event this past weekend. It was 50 points and there was bonuses for being fully painted so I took my Convergence since it's painted and I still don't have all my trolls anyway. I also have no earthly clue how to play either troll list...
by FunDave | Feb 22, 2016
Here's my take on Captain Gunnbjorn. He has to be one of the least loved and under-represented casters for our faction. Why? Well because he doesn't have a stupid overpowered theme list or any particular synergy with troll melee troops. That and his feat is somewhat...
by FunDave | Feb 16, 2016
It seems I've fallen behind on my "battle reports" if you can call them that. So, let's recap the last few weeks.I had the opportunity to play a few small points games just to finish getting my feet wet. I played against Menoth twice and a mercs list once. I lost all...