another 300 points built!

for the t04g thing for bolscon uk each competitor has to build and paint 400 points a month! so the other day i sat down and did some glueing/fixing and wrecked a drop pod.3 bikers, 10 marinesand a drop pod thats been fixed, had the icons slashed off and the doors...

some IF: dark vengance converted tactical marines!

4 0f them. and all nearly done!sarge: i really like how he came out, i need to do the eyes and thats it.a bit more work on the gun and thats it. possibly some battle damage. this is the sorta TTQ im going for, not too flashy~oh and ill add some freehand to the...

the easiest way to paint word bearer/dark red armour: EVER!

hellorecently whilst playing about with some paints i accidently discovered the greatest thing ever for people who just want to get that base armour done so they can concentrate on the fun stuff!step 1: have a white basecoatwow how nice does that red armour look!a bit...

more tactical sarge wip.

yeah i need to get painting again.i just seem to spend too long on reddit.but on the plus side i did get 350 pts painted up in october, roll on novembers 350!osl work on pistol. helm done (par osl) and just a few washes/highlights needed!i will try to paint more i...

libby. command squad and drop pod group shot.

and when i say done i mean done. and that i may or may not do a little touchup work on the libby later!*PWHOOOSH. KA KLUNK *drop pod noises*this is exactly 350 pts and ill have more photos soon. until then:adopted ultra deathwatch.CAPTURE THE LIGHT SWITCH libby...