Random Cultist time

so see those dark vengance cultists you all have like a hundred of of lying around?yeah?guess what! those are really really really really really (to the power of a google?) fun to paint!so i decided id stop procrastinating over looking for my captains now lost GL and...

IF termi sarge

Hellonot much text but quite a lot of picsenjoy :Dalso no post tomorrow evening :/  due to me jumping around to electronic music and screaming and such :P-Fuzz

Terminator2: finished, yellow and not starring schwarznegeri

And For my Next TRICK I SHALL PAINT A TERMINATORSHAZAM IT IS DONEyeah im painting a lot more, a 11Kb/S internet connection means that even redditing is a pain.oh well heres termi number 2, this is my table top quality and im fairly chuffed :Dscratchesnone of the...