Battle damage and procrastination

Hello ladies, and gentlmenhaha kidding on we all know no ladies visit herehaha no gentlemen eitherjust youyou know what you area platypus.i have no idea where im going with this, oh well have some wips! i did some battle damage and made the fist black, cause imperial...

Terminator wip: gunmetal/cloth

Yeah, thats about it  but hey i think it looks cool, the metal was done with 75:20:5 of black, boltgun metal, water, then shaded with vallejo  air black (aplied with a brush)The heatsinks were then shaded with orangeThats all for the late post :) -fuzzP.s....

New year, New terminator WIP, new design,

HelloI hope you like the new layout! i found this template and I love it its soo slick, anyway it was a pain to edit the box at the side as i had to do HTML, but not just HTML... SPANISH HTML! :P anyways i suppose you want a pic of a model or two so here is a WIP...