new year, new wip, new resolution, new font

hellohaha fooled you: :D I SHALL NEVER CHANGE ZE FONTanyway here is the finished conversion for the termi squad and the captain. its sorta hard to see but ive removed all the DA icons, added a chainfist and done a ton of work to the captain!as  for resolutions-4...

A finished Bike squad!

for once without endless wips and stuffs.3 of them.what do you mean my gun has dissapered?! (yeah i need a new melta, it has litreally vanished)pimp-robes of pimping (3+ pimp skill)each bike has a auspex thingand 2 IF hands on each bike. that took fecking yearsand a...

Bike imperial fist wip

Hello, this is a sorta a significant post as it is the first proper post from my phone, anyway here is the wip of the bikes, i got the guys robe done so yay!I cant figure out captions though!-fuzz

Tactical squad finished :D

woohoo! bike should get finished soon :Dlets just not tell the T04g chaps >its not like drlove is winning with like 3x everyone elses points...anyways onto pics and the answer to fridays puzzle!sarge fancy-chainsword and cool hati am fond of the osl :Dnext time ill...