Sand and Glue, cheap basing

Or how I learned to stop worrying about and love basing.To add to my trench works tutorial,  figured I'd go over how to make some quality bases on the cheap.What you'll need:SandGlueA full bits/scrap boxNow, I know that most of you have a box full of bits or...

Ravenwing Killhawk

So I got it into my head that a flying transport for Bikes would be pretty cool, and to take advantage of the Stormraven and give me a new hobby project, I have begun work on the Ravening Killhawk. The WIP rules for it can be found here. To make this I am using...

Basing Trench Works

Basic tutorial for getting rid of all those spare sprues lying around and getting a more flavoful base than the standard rocks and grass.What you'll need:Plastic GlueGreen StuffClippersSpare plastic spruesSome sand I'm using a Cygnar Trencher on a 30mm base.Grab...

Deathwing Bone Armor

Finished up a 5 man unit of terminators, each with Chain-fist, one with power sword, from the AoBR box set. Chainfists where made by cutting off a length of Chain blade from left over bits and then a quick filling down of lower part of the power fist, then gluing the...

On the use of Wyches(Article being reworked)

I'm gonna sit down here with all my fellow Dark Eldar players, and have a chat about our favorite group of homicidal gladiator super models, the Wyches. Settle down in your seat, grab a beverage and get ready. I've been talking with several other players, and I have...