The Road to the Throne of Skulls

So it's a new year and it's the second month in, so I suppose I should write something for this blog. As I have mentioned previously, I signed myself up to the March 40K Throne of Skulls, with the intention of getting me to get some 40K stuff painted up for 6th...

Dark Angel Brainstorming

Sorry it's been a while but I've had a break from gaming for the last few months (although I have been playing Magic the Gathering). But now I'm back and raring to go and roll some dice! So much so, I've signed myself up to the March 2013 Games Workshops Throne of...

New CSM Codex Pictures

I can't take credit for this as I pinched them from another website - but here are some pictures of some of the pages from the new Chaos Space Marine Codex (from the book and posters GW had hanging up)....

Games Day Stuff

This post is going to be nice and quick. I didn't go to Games Day as I was stuck in a hot office, working. However lots of other people did and it sounds like it was a nice day. As usual, GW were a bit tight lipped about some of the things they were working on but...

Valhallagate – A Warhammer Scandal

Originally I was going to write about the new White Dwarf which is out Saturday and how great it looks, but lots of people started doing that. Then I was going to write about the new Chaos Space Marine stuff which is up for Pre-Order Saturday and how great that looks,...