Midlands Open Aftermath!

So the dust is settling from the Midlands Open and it's easily become my favorite Warhammer Fantasy event. It's nice and local which is great as my wife can drop me off at the venue for me to enjoy the social side a bit more, and its nicely run without any issues or...

Midlands Open 2012 – Prep work

On this lovely summer day in July in the UK (which unsurprisingly is dull and drizzling, which in return is annoying having been on holiday somewhere hot and sunny a few days ago), I'm about to start work upon my preparations for the Midlands Open, which is being run...

6th ED – Solid Rumors?

Just a quick one off me today. Although I've been trying to ignore them, I can't and I've been looking at the rumors. Luckly enough, it seems somebody has gotten their White Dwarf early and has posted some information on Warseer,,,- Hull Points are in, it is stated...

I see the Warp!

 So it's time to start counting down until Saturday where we will discover more about the 6th Edition of Warhammer 40K. Today I thought I would write about the second teaser trailer from GW (which you can see above). This strongly hints at Psychic Powers making a...

The End is Nigh!

So in about six days, we will see the 40K internet community explode. Reason being? Well unless you've been locked up in a darkened cell on Mars, you may have noticed GW's attempt at marketing about the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. Although I'm "old" (if being in...