by gereth | Sep 11, 2014
Hello there. As I have mentioned in the first article in this series I’ve taken advantage of a trip to England in January 2014 to visit a few wargame companies based in the city of Nottingham, affectuously known as Britain’s “Lead Belt” a clear reference...
by gereth | Sep 5, 2014
Hello. Vitor here from the “Vamos Ver no Pano Verde” blog with another article for the “A Tale of X Gamers” (AToXG) project. This is my one of my final articles about how to collect a 1500 point army for the Warhammer 40.000 game. As I...
by gereth | Aug 30, 2014
Hello there Reader. I know it’s been a while since my last update but that doesn’t mean I have been idle. Quite on the contrary, I’ve been producing a lot in the hobby front, and that’s exactly why I have decided to surf the inspiration wave while it...
by gereth | Aug 7, 2014
Hello Reader! This is the Portuguese version of the article published here yesterday about Mantic’s newest Kickstarter campaign to fund the “Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest” game. Do check it out if you missed it and if you fancy vanquishing the forces of...
by gereth | Aug 6, 2014
Hello Reader! “Stay a while and listen”… yep I could begin today’s article quoting Deckard Cain’s famous words as I believe you’re about to join me in an incredible adventure after hearing reading what I have to say today. I’ve already drunk the Kool-Aid when...