by gereth | May 2, 2014
Hello. We’re getting to the end of our participation on the “A tale of X Gamers” project here on the “The Painting Frog” blog. This time I decided to paint a bunch of miniatures at the same time as their color scheme is the same. I’ve...
by gereth | Apr 30, 2014
Hello there Reader. We have quick post today letting my readers know we have published a new episode of the “Papo de Mesa Podcast”, the Brazilian podcast about wargames, board games miniature painting and collecting and other “nerdy” topics....
by gereth | Apr 3, 2014
Hello there Reader. I went home to spend the weekend a couple of weeks ago and invited a few friends over to share a few beers and roll some dice. I still haven’t gotten around to understanding how the new Eldar Codex works (and to be honest I don’t know where...
by gereth | Apr 2, 2014
Hello there Reader. Another quick post today letting my readers know we have published a new episode of the “Papo de Mesa Podcast”, the Brazilian podcast about wargames, board games miniature painting and collecting and other “nerdy” topics....
by gereth | Mar 28, 2014
Gorgoloth’s Hounds. Ele se movia determinada e silenciosamente em direção ao velho pórtico engastado na colina. As velhas hastes de metal do qual eram feitas o portão haviam há muito sido corroídas pela ação do tempo, esfacelando-se com a ferrugem e...