by gereth | Jun 4, 2013
Hello folks! Real life has been charging its price lately, leaving me very little free time to keep building my army, but I managed to organize myself a schedule and paint one more unit: another tactical squad. Something I noticed, that...
by gereth | May 30, 2013
Hello Folks. This is my 5th article from a series about “A Tale of X Gamers – ToXH” where I’ll build a 2000 point Ork army for the Warhammer 40K game. On the previous month I finished panting my Warlord, Ghazghkull Thraka. This month I...
by gereth | May 28, 2013
Ok! So we’re on the sixth article for the Project “A Tale of X Gamers”! I finished painting 16 Termagaunts this month, using a pretty fast technique, since these are basic troops and I’ll need 30 of them or more. I’ve kept track of how much time I spent...
by gereth | May 24, 2013
Hello there Reader. Ever since I first talked about the first GW perpetrated Embargo I expressed an interest in exploring other wargaming options out there in the market, not because of some sudden “anti-Games Workshop rage” but simply because...
by gereth | May 23, 2013
Hello to all Warhammer 40K fans. The “A Tale of X Gamers” initiative intends to illustrate that it is possible to build an army for 40K, Fantasy or any other wargame spending a small amount of money over a one year period. In the project I...