by Ghostin | Dec 21, 2015
Hi all. I'm rather flattered that despite my lack of activity it appears there are still people finding this blog, more than I would expect after so long a hiatus. Welcome one and all. I have no real new answers here, just the aimless meanderings of...
by Ghostin | May 22, 2015
Love is an action - it's a verb - it's what you do. Not some fickle feeling that flickers in a thousand shades and is replaced each and every moment with a new one. It's not the nervousness, the infatuation, the giddiness, or the goose bumps, or even the...
by Ghostin | Jan 30, 2014
How GW Sees Tyranid Players No reason to sugar coat it: I pretty much can't stand the new Tyranid codex. Let's just forget all the wasted potential that it could have been, lest I get really bitter. The rules aren't worth the paper...