Aimless Meanderings

Hi all.  I'm rather flattered that despite my lack of activity it appears there are still people finding this blog, more than I would expect after so long a hiatus.  Welcome one and all.  I have no real new answers here, just the aimless meanderings of...

Love and Tyranids

Love is an action - it's a verb - it's what you do.  Not some fickle feeling that flickers in a thousand shades and is replaced each and every moment with a new one.  It's not the nervousness, the infatuation, the giddiness, or the goose bumps, or even the...

Goal Set: NOVA Open 2015

After a long hiatus of accomplishing nothing except adding to my unpainted plastic and metal collection it was time to move forward.  Still busy as ever working to help troubled marriages, and that's still the priority, but I do need some me time too for sanity....
The Compass, The Clock, and A Terrible Codex

The Compass, The Clock, and A Terrible Codex

How GW Sees Tyranid Players     No reason to sugar coat it:  I pretty much can't stand the new Tyranid codex.  Let's just forget all the wasted potential that it could have been, lest I get really bitter.  The rules aren't worth the paper...

Khurasan Miniatures 28mm Caiman Unboxing

I've wanted the APC from Aliens as a miniature for oh... since I first saw it when the movie came out.  Although Khurasan's 28mm Caiman (also available in 15mm) is necessarily not a replica, it makes a fine replacement and more than stands on its own.  I'd...