Flyrant Kites: valid strategy or waste of time?

This will be a post about a list concept building on a rather quirky strategy involving a Flyrant being able to join a Tyrant Guard unit while maintaining his swooping status as a flying monstrous creature.  It started with a comment by jifel1 over on...

Learn to play first – then worry about whose codex is better

Hopefully by now if you're a Tyranid player you've been reading blog after blog, forum after forum, hoping beyond hope that someone, somewhere has unlocked the magic secret of Hivemind domination.  I hope you haven't been holding your breath.  As someone...

How sexy is 6e for the hive mind?

 Finally got ahold of the new book yesterday, and have been surfing a lot to cull out different impressions for consolidation.  So far, the consensus in most parts is at least favorable.  Looking through the FAQ:I really dislike the "roll for it" ruling...

It was quiet… too quiet

My pastime of surfing around and culling tyranid information from the intarwebz has run into sparse pickings lately - anticipation of 6th edition seems to have sucked the life from a lot of us.  Like we're waiting for the other shoe to fall.  A part of me...

The State of the Tyranid Meta

Yup.  That's a huge dead crocodile.  And no, that isn't a pack of Grey Knights mugging for the camera, but it seems it might as well be.  I had a sinking feeling while watching people prep their lists for Adepticon, surfing Dakka, Warseer, BOLS,...