by Ghostin | Feb 22, 2012
In case you've been under a rock and hiding from the 40k blog/forum-o-sphere, GW will be releasing new Tyranid models in March. I could hardly call myself a 'tyranid blogger' if I didn't make some sort of obligatory post about the new models as it will definitely...
by Ghostin | Jan 30, 2012
Stats borrowed from Claws and Fists' excellent post and recap here: the fun you can have with metrics. From an average score standpoint: Xenos own 4 of the top 5 slots....
by Ghostin | Jan 29, 2012
Inspired only slightly by Nurglitch's erudite pontifications to post this as a non-sequitur to a Tyranid blog. For good measure, I'll own up to definitely being inspired by Pinky's non-sequiturs to Brain's AYPWIP question.I wonder sometimes how to explain the...
by Ghostin | Dec 23, 2011
With so much excellent fluff out there for the grimdark of 40k, I still keep hoping for a good meaty tale from the Tyranid point of view. The Eldar-centric Path series is a great example and as a long-time Eldar player, I've truly enjoyed it. Turning to my...
by Ghostin | Nov 17, 2011
I'd come into the fall with some high hopes of the NOVA Open being only the first stop of at least a couple of east coast tournament appearances - I had my sights set on getting to the Battle for Salvation and Battle for Blobs Park at a minimum, and maybe Mechanicon...