6th Ed Tyranid Codex Initial Thoughts – An Explanation…

6th Ed Tyranid Codex Initial Thoughts – An Explanation…

I have to say that ever since I heard that Tyranids were going to be redone and I have been super excited to get back into 40k after an almost 8 month break.  I kept thinking how we were finally going to get a book that fixes all the obvious and glaring issues...
In the Hall of the Mountain King – Tournament Recap

In the Hall of the Mountain King – Tournament Recap

Over the weekend I attended my first ever Warmachine tournament at a local game store called Imaginary Wars. I had a bit of apprehension going into the event just based on what I had heard from other people about how cut throat Warmachine tournaments can be and how if...
Retribution of Scyrah – Test Model

Retribution of Scyrah – Test Model

This is my second, super small Warmachine army, the Retribution of Scyrah. Basically I wanted something as different as humanly possible as my Trolls to play on Warmachine. I figured since my Trolls were all about close combat and buffing I would choose a faction that...
Trollbloods – Battle Moses Complete!

Trollbloods – Battle Moses Complete!

Sadly, this models name isn't actually Battle Moses, its the Runebearer. Still, regardless of his name I will always call him Battle Moses. I think my favorite thing about him is his extreme look of contempt. It's like he is watching his fellow trolls in battle saying...
Trollbloods – Fell Caller Hero Complete!

Trollbloods – Fell Caller Hero Complete!

So my promise on millions of solos begins! First up is one of the better Troll solos, the mighty Fell Caller Hero. Despite being mighty in game he kind of looks like a toad and his swords look down right stupid, like he is charging into battle with "Nerf" weapons. One...