Trollbloods – Madrak Complete!

Trollbloods – Madrak Complete!

I finally finished my second caster, the mighty Madrak. Madrak is easily one of, if not my, favorite caster for the Trolls. Really like the model, love his rules too. I am kind of bummed that the pics didnt turn out as well as I hoped they would but I guess I can't...
Trollbloods – Fennblades Complete!

Trollbloods – Fennblades Complete!

This unit took the longest out of anything I have painted for this army. Almost killed me lol. I dont know why but it got to the point where every time I sat down to work on them I looked for something else to do (like play through the Last of Us...twice! lol)....
Trollbloods – Dire Troll Bomber Complete!

Trollbloods – Dire Troll Bomber Complete!

I know what you are wondering when looking at this model "Is that guy armed with giant powder kegs of explosives that he throws at his enemies?!?!". The answer is yes, and that is why he is awesome lol. I am finding the more of these larger Warbeasts I am doing the...
Trollbloods – Krielstone Unit Complete!

Trollbloods – Krielstone Unit Complete!

Despite the lack of posting since I finished my Mountain King I have actually been really busy painting getting a lot finished. With the new baby coming at the end of next month we have been really busy getting the house organized for her arrival. Despite that I have...

Mountain King…Complete!

So, enough of this dicking around with WIP pics! Time to post some final shots of this monster.In addition to completing this guy I also managed to get a game in with him against my friend Scott. I personally played it very poorly, making mistakes left right and...