Mountain King WIP…Head and Base

Just a quick update here with a WIP pic of his head and a shot of him fully assembled standing on his base (with his Axer friend photobombing him for good measure). I took more care with the head then the rest of the fig because the face is always a major focal point...

Mountain King WIP…Torso Pt 2

Just a quick update. The stone work is pretty much done. I mostly dry brushed the darkest brown colours, then went back over with some dark brown wash into the recesses and then did up all the edge high lighting. I also did the initial work on the rusted metal for the...

Mountain King WIP…Torso Pt 1

So, now that the legs are finished its time to start on the majority of this model, and that is his upper body. There are 4 major pieces that are put together to make his upper body and that is the torso, his arms and the giant rock formation on his back. All 3 pieces...

Wraithknight WIP…

So, I actually started working on this guy before I started the Mountain King, but naturally got derailed with the big tubby bastard. I am going to bounce between the two though as I really like both kits.The big focus on the Wraithknight is to update my Eldar's paint...

Mountain King WIP #1

Well, you have probably all read how Calgary (where I live) had a massive flood last month which actually resulted in me being off work for 11 days. So, in that time I was able to get a bunch of work done on some different projects.Naturally after picking up the...