Something Gargantuan Comes This Way…

After drooling over the Mountain King since his release I FINALLY managed to pick this guy up. This model is the #1 thing that got me into Warmachine. I have always loved his form, size, pretty much everything about him. It's also very interesting after picking up the...

Janissa Stonetide…Complete!

Around the same time as I finished the Earthborn Dire Troll I also completed my first "solo" for my Trollbloods Army and that's Janissa Stonetide. I did some slightly different stuff with her. I decided to try shading her using complimentary colours (ie the opposite...

Earthborn Dire Troll…Complete!

I have been painting up a storm the last week and have now finally managed to get to my computer to update some pics. The first thing I finished was the last beast for my Trollblood force, my Earthborn Dire Troll. This model weighs a metric tonne lol.Next Up: More...

Wraithknight WIP…Part 1!

I don't normally post work in progress shots, especially not shots of model building unless there is a major conversion but I just have to show this guy off. I remember seeing that the Wraithknight was coming out and just assuming it would be $100 Canadian just like...

Epic Doomshaper Complete!

Now that I have most of my beasts complete for my small warband I decided it was time to get a Warcaster complete to go with them. Right now I have two Warcasters, Epic Doomshaper and Madrak. I decided since we were doing our "Mangled Tooth" lists (ie just...