Something Old, Something New…

Now that the new Eldar book is out the mass re-basing of my entire army has started. I am going to work my way through my basic foot troopers, then through everything else. The nice thing is I have already finished my flying stands for most of my skimmers as well as...

Pyre Troll…Completed!

I now am only 1 model away from finishing all the beasts in this army (still have an Earthborn Dire Troll). I have never actually painted fire before if you can believe it so with that in mind I am very pleased how it turned out. I am going to paint my first caster...

Dire Troll Mauler…Complete!

 I have steadily been plugging away at my trolls and have almost finished all the beasts. I finished this guy earlier this week and I finished the Pyre Troll this morning. After posting here and on the Privateer Press forum I received a lot of feed back in...

Trollbloods WIP…Dire and Pyre Trolls!

Now that the Warmachine/Hordes starter sets are finally complete I can focus on the one Hordes army I really want to work on, and that is the Trollbloods. Over the last few months I have managed to amass around 40pts of the mighty trolls (roughly 25-30 models). Right...

Warmachine Starter Sets Part 4 of 4 – Legion of Everblight!

So after about 2 months of plugging away at these four sets on and off I am finally finished. As I mentioned in my last post the Horde side was considerably more fun then the Warmachine simply because their minis are heads and tails better. I really liked painting the...